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TRUST: Origin Story

T.R.U.S.T is a multi-session peer educator created program designed to inform participants how to engage in healthy relationships both intimate and platonic. T.R.U.S.T was created by the Healthy Relationships Team in the CARE office. The team of student preventionist believed that all students deserve a healthy relationship and realized that many have never had the space or opportunity to discuss what that might look like. So , the HR team's work began with ultimate understanding that all relationship begin with trust.

The first T.R.U.S.T was hosted in Fall of 2022 during the Dating/Domestic Violence Awareness Month and has continued each October and February which is also Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. T.R.U.S.T. stands for Transparency, Respect, Understanding, and Trust, which we believe are essential elements that form the foundation of healthy relationships.