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Mandatory Sexual Violence Prevention: Undergraduate


Mandatory Gender-based Violence education is vital to reducing incidents on and off campus.  The UC system requires staff, faculty, and students to learn about terms, scenarios, bystander intervention techniques, and campus resources. 

This online Title IX and Clery Act training engages undergraduate students in fostering healthy relationships and preparing them to recognize and respond to sexual assault and harassment when it occurs.  This online module is mandatory for all new and incoming UC Merced students.  Students will have six weeks to complete this mandatory training; failure to meet this requirement will result in a Dean of Students Hold on class registrations. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How do I complete this training?

Incoming students will receive access to this course at the start of each semester.  

2. Where can I learn more about mandatory student training?

You can learn more about mandatory student training by visiting UC Merced Ethics and Compliance.

3. I was a transfer student or new student in Fall 2021 or Spring 2022.  Do I still need to complete this mandatory training?

Yes. This is a requirement from the University of California Office of the President (UCOP).  You should be receiving a weekly email reminder to complete the requirement.  If you have not received any email notifications, please contact

4.  I already took a training similar to this, do I still have to take it?

Yes. Training is not transferable.  You need to complete the UCOP-approved training. 

5. What if I am a survivor of sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence, human trafficking or stalking?  Will I be triggered by the content?  
We are not able to confirm how you may feel about the content.  The content will review definitions, policies, and scenarios that will be used to convey the education and strategies for being an active bystander.  You will also receive information about referrals and resources. If you have more questions, you can email to inquire about an alternative option.