What is Take Back the Night?
Take Back The Night is an event centered around solidarity and empowerment for survivors of sexual assault during Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). Take Back The Night first began in the 1970s due to a rise in violence against women that often occurred during the night.
Today, Take Back The Night is used as a stand against all forms of gender-based violence and is used as a safe space for people to show solidarity in their own forms of expression and art. Take Back the Night recognizes and embraces survivors of all gender identities and backgrounds around the world.
On April 11, 2024, from 5-9 PM, the CARE office will be hosting Take Back The Night. First beginning at the New Beginnings statue, students, faculty, staff, and affiliates will march around campus to use our voices and protest all forms of sexual violence.
The march will finish off at the Wallace-Dutra Amphitheater where they will be greeted by a tabling fair, followed by a special guest speaker and the night will end with special performances from members of our UC Merced community. A poster-making event for the march will be held Tuesday, April 2nd from 4:30 - 6:00 PM in Glacier Point 145. Stay tuned on our social media to view updates about our coming events.